Help us to help you
The availability of bereavement care that follows on from a funeral is poor in our modern society, although this is changing for the better and is evolving towards better holistic care.
But we need your help to improve this further.
What do you find is lacking in the care offered during bereavement? What are the things that worry you the most? Are there practical or support issues that you would like to see addressed? Please don’t keep this information to yourself.
We are always interested to hear your thoughts, your worries and your constructive criticisms and if we can, we will do our best to help.
You may like to write on our Facebook page but you may also contact us directly via the details below:-
Principal author – Steven Tapper
Bereavement Care administrators – John Taylor and Leanne Adimi
Email - or
Telephone - 01202 339099 or 01202 478887