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At Harbour View, we offer a number of ways to commemorate the person that has died using memorials designed to complement the natural landscape we inhabit. You will not find any large headstones or polished granites; these would not be in keeping with a woodland burial ground. All memorials are supplied by us and must be ordered via our office.

The principal memorial at Harbour View is a grave with an accompanying stone in the form of a low-lying tablet; these are engraved with the deceased’s name and some words of commemoration.

Memorial Stones

Memorial stones are available in Portland and slate.

Each memorial stone is a wedge shaped tablet that lies flat on the ground. The wedge shape means that the inscription face leans towards the reader and it also helps rain water to naturally spill off.


Memorial Trees and Shrubs

We have many thousands of trees and shrubs planted all over Harbour View. Some are very old trees; many are saplings we have planted in recent years.


Private Memorial Gardens

We have a section at Harbour View where families may take a private area into which a garden will be designed. The size and location of the garden would be negotiated upon request and our head-groundsman would assist with the design ahead of its construction.


Memorial Benches

Memorial benches are situated in a variety of positions around Harbour View. They are typically placed along pathways and hedgerows rather than in open grassland.


Memorials to take home

There are many ways to use small amounts of cremated remains to create keepsakes for surviving members of the family. Items of jewellery, glass picture art and small urns are just a few examples.


Book of Remembrance

We do not have a physical (printed) book of remembrance but our web site has a modern version of one. All deceaseds are commemorated in our book of remembrance.