01202 673164

At our funeral home in Parkstone Road we have The Poole Ceremony Hall which may be used by bereaved families for a funeral service when a small congregation is expected and a simple but intimate service required. The ceremony hall is constructed with a modern yet natural design with a neutral, calming interior. Supporting rooms in the funeral home provide space to congregate prior to the service and for teas afterwards, and onsite parking is available for those attending a funeral at The Poole Ceremony Hall.

Situated in the centre of town The Poole Ceremony Hall can be used for a funeral prior to burial or cremation. Funerals can be arranged to take place on Saturdays or during early evenings, to make it more convenient if desired. Because some of the traditional requirements of a funeral, namely the hearse and coffin bearers etc, are not required (unless of course they are requested), significant financial savings can be made without demeaning the funeral in any way (the deceased, in his/her coffin, can be positioned in the ceremony hall prior to mourners arriving and only removed for burial or cremation once they have left after the service.)