These pages are intended to assist people that have been affected by a recent sudden death, which has been referred to the office of HM Coroner for Dorset.
The role of the Coroner is to ensure deaths within his/her jurisdiction are investigated where necessary and s/he has a team of officers and pathologists who carry out this investigation on his/her behalf. Contact details for the relevant people can be found on the Contacts tab of this web page.
It is likely you are visiting this web site to establish what is happening at a confusing time for you and your family. The information contained within these pages is intended to give brief and simple outline details to advise you of the various procedures that may be followed. It is not intended to provide details or examination results about individual deceaseds, however further information is available for ongoing and historical Inquests via the web site of BCP Council.
This page describes various hypothetical situations that will help you understand the early days that follow a death. For more information, please click on the situation that appears most like the events you are experiencing.
READ MOREThe contacts listed here are a sample of those most likely needed by people affected by a sudden death that has been reported to the Coroner.