01202 673164

Funeral Details and in Memoriam Donations

This part of our web site has dedicated pages about individual people that have died. Details about their funeral arrangements, Book of Remembrance and options for in-memoriam donations will all be found here. Use the ‘Search Here’ facility below to find the deceased person that you are interested in.

If you are a client of this Company you can use the same ‘Search Here’ facility to progress to the secure client area where we can interact directly but if your aim is simply to make a payment towards an invoice you have received, you can use the ‘Online Payment’ facility further down this page.

Online Payment

Payment of a Funeral Invoice. (To make an In-Memoriam Charitable Donation instead, please use the search engine above.) If you would like to make a payment online for an invoice you have received please enter the invoice, job or funeral reference number and press the 'make payment' button: