Outlook Bereavement Support is provided free of charge and is available to anyone that feels they will find something to help them through a very difficult time in their lives.
The loss of a person close to you will inevitably change your life; the closer you were to the person, the greater the change will be. If it should be your spouse or partner that has died then your loss is likely to be the most profound.
There is no quick fix and your bereavement is likely to be extremely painful and at times difficult to bear. We have a number of short advice papers that discuss the stages of bereavement in more detail; these can be found under Help and Advice.
The purpose of Outlook Bereavement Support is to provide bereaved people with the tools they need to help them find their way in their new life without the person who has died. This includes where to find new outlets for your time socially, as well as how to try to manage and learn more about your bereavement and to focus it constructively.
Quite often, the spouse or partner of the deceased will have spent long periods caring for him/her prior to the death. This may well have caused a degree of withdrawal from social life and even to some degree, neglecting their own wellbeing. Here we offer suggestions, events and contacts that may help you change this for the future.
The events we host provide a mixture of social, practical and spiritual benefits. We have lunches for widows and widowers on a monthly basis and Memorial Remembrance Services on key dates during the year, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Please see our Event Calendar for more details about when these events are and what you may expect should you decide to attend.