01202 673164

Selecting A Funeral Director

Choosing a funeral director is an extremely important decision as they will be your point of contact for all matters relating to the funeral. The whole family need to be satisfied with what the funeral director is offering and providing, and have a relationship with them which is comfortable and based on trust.

As with other aspects of the funeral, an advantage is gained if this decision is made with time and a clear head, rather than in the immediate aftermath of the death itself.

Approaching a number of funeral directors will help you make a decision as to which one to use. Asking other people who may have gone through this process recently and who can make recommendations may also help. Otherwise, you can ask your local minister or GP for a list of reputable establishments in town.


Tapper Funeral Service suggest considering the following when meeting with funeral directors:

  • How comfortable do you feel with the individual funeral director?

  • Does the funeral director seem keen to help you do what YOU want to do and not what THEY want you to do?

  • What is the funeral director’s experience and qualification?

  • Is this individual backed up by an operation that seems efficient and caring?

  • Who is the Company owned by - a large corporation or a family run business?

  • Are the premises warm and welcoming?

  • Are the chapels of rest appropriate for the deceased to rest in?

  • Is there a list of charges for you to consider?

  • Is the Company a member of a professional association, such as the National Association of Funeral Directors?