01202 673164

What Type Of Funeral

The important choice between burial and cremation can be based on a number of factors: personal preference, family tradition, religious belief or otherwise.

With both, a religious service does not have to take place prior to the burial or cremation.

Please find below information regarding cremation and burial to assist decision making.


Tapper Funeral Service has close relationships with crematoria in the region and ensure that all necessary statutory forms are obtained and presented to the crematorium. All crematoria have a chapel and can hold a simple funeral service. They often have gardens in which the cremated remains can be scattered if there is no desire to remove them from the crematorium.

Useful Information:

  • The majority (70%) of British people are cremated

  • A single cremation uses more gas than the average household does in one year

  • Much of the mercury in the atmosphere comes from deceased people’s fillings

  • A cremation does not have to be a final act; there will be cremated remains to be dealt with and there are a whole host of options for commemoration

  • Cremation is not necessarily cheaper than burial

  • The coffin is always cremated with the body

  • Cremated remains are barren and do not fertilise the ground

  • You are not confined to the crematorium chapel time slots for a service

  • Crematoria welcome questions and have a Code of Practice which is available upon request


While there are a variety of burial locations available, Tapper Funeral Service has its own woodland burial ground, Harbour View, in Poole, providing an additional option.

Useful Information:

  • You do not have to be buried in consecrated ground

  • Human remains are protected by law and cannot be disturbed without a Home Office License. This rule applies irrespective of local church/cemetery regulations

  • Any memorial is likely to be the family’s responsibility

  • Maintenance of the burial ground area is usually the responsibility of the church/cemetery

  • The human body, like any living creature, is organic and returns nutrients to the ground

  • Rather than being a waste of land, burial grounds are deemed to preserve the ‘openness’ of the countryside; modern cemeteries often make use of under utilised land on the edge of conurbations and encourage planting rather than large amounts of memorial stone.

If opting for burial, you may like to consider woodland burial or even a burial at sea.